Total donated to our local schools so far

Help donate to your local school!
At Gilbert & Sons we are helping our local schools with our Peel School Program.
Anyone can join, parents, grandparents, friends or just helping support your local school in your community.
Every time you shop at Gilbert & Son’s, scan your card at the checkout before you pay & we will donate 1 point for every dollar you spend to your nominated school.
The school you have nominated will have no restrictions for what they utilise the funds towards. Whether it be mentoring programs, musical instruments or learning programs. When target limits are reached, schools will be presented with a cheque.
You can select any school in the Peel region or towards Rockingham. You can only put your points towards one school per card per person.
You can sign up in-store or online. Once you have signed up online, please collect your card in-store.
If you are a local school wanting to join the Peel School Program please contact our store so we can arrange a meeting so we can start donating towards your school today!
This is our way of saying 'thank you' and giving back something small to a cause that really matters to all of us.